
Softball Season is in Full Swing

Tonight I had my second night of double headers for softball. This last Friday was the start of the actual season again. Looking at last year’s team and comparing them to this year’s team seems unfair. This year, I am on a team that gets along great and is always striving to do their best and work their hardest. The past couple of years, a lot of the players have been relatively lazy and haven’t tried to play to their full potential, thus bringing the entire team down.
After losing both games to Hutchinson, we knew the West High games would be even more important to the team. Since this is coach’s first year as a coach in Kansas, she is still learning and knows very little about the city teams. Thankfully, the older girls who have played a few years have been able to help coach with knowing other teams, umps, and just general rules of the game.
She is almost polar opposite of our coach from last year. She’s patient and always encouraging, which I believe gives reason as to why even though the team I play on is almost the same but there is a new life in the team. Coach has made softball fun for not only me, but the entire team again. So going into the West games, we had a thirst to win and did exactly that. We won both games, giving us a record of 2-2. Whiel this may not seem too impressive, I cannot deny how happy myself and the entire team felt after winning tonight.
Looking at our last couple of games, we realize there is still a lot to work on. But with these wins, and one close loss, I think the team realizes we have the potential to do great this year. And all of us will work hard to obtain this goal!