
Sorting Out Details for College Applications

As I keep working on my college folder, I have come to realize just how important many small details are when applying to the schools you wish to attend. When going over the schools on either their homepages or on, be sure to look at even the small details and fine print because in there can be important messages or dates you will need later on in the application process.
Many schools that I’m applying to use the Common Application, so for each component of my application, I simply find the due date and that’s when all parts of my application are due. This includes any supplements the schools ask for (such as essays). But then there are other things colleges need from you. Things such as a Midyear Report for some schools to make sure you are keeping your grades up, financial aid forms if you plan on applying for any financial aid, and even a Final Report to the school you finally chose to attend the following fall.
So my best advice is to print a check-off sheet for yourself. I printed one that had a box to tell the date I sent my application, my supplement, and whether or not I had paid the application fee for my schools (some schools though waive your application fees if you apply online, which you can do after becoming a member on If there are other dates you need reminded of, then be sure to put those dates/details on your check-off sheet, too!
When you think you have your application completely filled out, be sure to go through and double-check everything. Also be sure to double check all your dates so that you don’t miss turning anything in! And be sure that you send everything you need, I would hate to not get accepted because I forgot to send in a teacher recommendation letter or a counselor report form!