
States with the Highest and Lowest Percentages of College Graduates

According to a recent report by The Lumina Foundation for Education, only 37.9 percent of Americans have earned a college degree. The foundation recommends that 60 percent of Americans should have their college degree by 2025, in order for the U.S. to stay academically competitive with other countries.
However, this 37.9 percent is a national average. There are several states that have a higher-than-average percent of college graduates. Is your state one of them? Check out the list of the 10 states with the highest percentages of college graduates.
1. Massachusetts: 49.6 percent
2. Connecticut: 46.6 percent
3. New Hampshire: 46 percent
4. Colorado: 45.3 percent
5. North Dakota: 45.2 percent
6. Minnesota: 45 percent
7. New Jersey: 44.6 percent
8. Maryland: 43.9 percent
9. New York: 43.7 percent
10. Vermont: 43.6 percent
Congratulations to these over achieving states! But what about the states at the other end of the spectrum?
Here are the 10 states with the lowest percent of college graduates.
1. West Virginia: 25.6 percent
2. Arkansas: 26.5 percent
3. Louisiana: 27 percent
4. Kentucky: 29.2 percent
5. Mississippi: 29.3 percent
6. Nevada: 30.1 percent
7. Oklahoma: 31.3 percent
8. Tennessee: 31.3 percent
9. Alabama: 31.6 percent
10. Texas: 33.3 percent
Where does your state fall? Are you surprised?
Via The Huffington Post
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