
Stay Safe on Spring Break!

Spring Break can be so much fun! You don’t have to go to school, and hopefully there’s no homework looming over your head. You’re spending some good, quality time with your friends, hitting up local hot-spots or traveling to new places.
But for some reasons, your parents keep telling you to be careful. What can go wrong? It’s all good fun on Spring Break.
Well, at least it is if you take some moderate precautions. Do have fun on Spring Break, but heed your parents’ advice to be careful so you don’t became one of those college students who goes on Spring Break and never comes home.

Tips for Staying Safe on Spring Break:

1. Never leave a bar, party, club or social event alone. Everyone knows there is safety in numbers. Chances are that you are less likely to be observant of your surroundings if you have been drinking and you will be an easier target for a criminal. Besides, it’s always more fun to be with your friends on Spring Break than to be alone, right?
2. Never go somewhere with someone you don’t know. This is similar to the first rule of Spring Break safety. Just because that guy or the girl in the club is a total knock-out doesn’t mean he or she is a nice person. You might be going out with a serial killer. It’s sad that today’s world makes this a real concern, but it is. So if you absolutely must see that hottie later, arrange to meet up with him or her later with a group of friends. Also, you can make all of your friends jealous that you snagged that gorgeous date.
3. Stay in touch with mom and dad. You don’t have to clue them in on every single thing you do, but do call them at a prearranged time every day so they know you are okay. That way, if something bad does happen to you, they will know something is amiss sooner than later, making it easier for you to get help.
4. Keep your drink in your sight. Roofies, a.k.a., date rape pills, are a real threat to Spring Breakers. So just keep your drink in your hand or somewhere that you can keep an eye on it.
You should have fun on Spring Break. That’s the entire point! But please do be careful and keep these tips in mind. We want to make sure our favorite readers come back to the after Spring Break.