
Students Are Choosing to Live in Fancier Housing

I lived in the dorms during my freshman year at the University of Oklahoma. I shared a tiny little room with another girl and a bathroom with three other girls. The situation was cozy, to say the least.
Then, during my sophomore year, I moved out of the dorms and into the fantastic world that was a college apartment. Most of the apartments in my town were designed for students and included separate leases (so you didn’t have to worry about if your deadbeat roommate will pay rent on time,) a community tanning bed, a private gym, high-speed Internet, and more cable channels than I knew what to do with. My parents thought this was a little extravagant, but as I told them time and time again, this was the new standard of college living.
Evidently, I was right. Apartment complexes across the nation are catering to us college kids who want to live in the lap of luxury.
“It’s a national trend,” said Dan Rosenfeld, who develops apartments that are college-kid-friendly. “There is competition among schools, and [the apartments near campus] have to provide a competitively attractive student environment.”

Back in the day, college kids had slightly more limited housing options: they either lived with their parents, in a campus dorm room, or shared a somewhat run-down house/apartment with friends. My, oh my, how the times have changed.
“Students come on campus tours and want to know where they are going to live all four years; where they will work out, where they will sit with their friends,” said Kristina Raspe, a real estate development professional. “The cinder block dorms I lived in do not meet current demands.”
However, these high-class apartment buildings tend to be much more expensive than living in the dorms. At my school, the cheapest apartment complexes in the city cost about $400 per month per person. The most expensive complex rented its rooms for almost $800 per month per person.
With students already graduating with more debt than ever before, should we really be wasting our money on living in an apartment that is worthy of being on a reality television show?
“With all the pressure coming on the tuition side, we need to be sure students have an affordable housing option to attend UCLA,” said Peter Angelis. Angelis is in charge of housing at the school. “A student’s academic experience is greatly enhanced when living on campus.”
I have to disagree with Angelis. Personally, when I lived in the dorms, I found it much more difficult to find a quiet place to study and prepare for my classes. There were also many more distractions, such as floor meetings, trips to the cafeteria with friends, and other similar activities. However, when I lived in my apartment, I only needed to close my bedroom door for some private study time.
Via The LA Times
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