
Students Donate Hair to Help with Gulf Oil Spill

Hair nets collected by Matter of Trust for the Gulf oil spill rescue efforts.
After I wrote the blog about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, it seemed appropriate to find out how students all across the nation are lending their support to the rescue efforts.
There has been a national campaign by established by Matter of Trust that sends human hair to Louisiana to be combined with nylons – yes, like panty hose- to create nets of hair that will essentially sop up the oil in the Gulf.
At Grand Blanc’s Brendel Elementary, the Bulldogs have started their “Save the Sea” program and have transformed their gym into a hair salon, where students, teachers and staff are donating anywhere from one to 14 inches of hair.
“Greasy hair means that hair absorbs oil, that’s why we shampoo,” said first grade teacher, Tara Stimac.
The Bulldogs hope to raise 600 inches of hair and an anonymous philanthropist has donated the money to cover the cost of shipping the hair to the Gulf.
While protecting the environment and helping with disaster relief is important too, first grade student Maggie Jackson said she is going to donate her hair to save the sea turtles because that’s [her] mom’s favorite animal.”
But it has not been determined if BP will even use the donated hair.
A BP spokeswoman released a statement that the company was not accepting or soliciting hair because they’re “awaiting confirmation from the Coast Guard” on whether the hair could even be used against the spreading oil.
Volunteers are currently assembling in a donated Louisiana warehouse, poised and ready in case word comes requesting the hair nets.
You can get involved also. Simply go the Matter of Trust website and fill out the instructions form. It’s a simple way to lend a powerful hand.