
Students Lean Toward Green Colleges

Money is always a concern, but college students of the 21st century have a new definition for the “green” associated with going to school. Incoming college freshmen are adding eco-friendly attributes to their lists of criteria when choosing a college. Colleges and universities across the country having been demonstrating an increasing commitment to sustainability and their efforts are paying off.
Financial aid, dorm conditions, degree programs, location, college size and a plethora of other factors still help determine student decisions but the “green” factor on campus is proving to climb the list. When comparing schools, many students now look at how colleges are addressing their carbon footprint and reducing damaging effects. To aid students in their eco-friendly quest the Princeton Review has released a guide to 311 colleges and universities that demonstrate the most dedication to going green. The list includes 308 schools in the U.S. and 3 in Canada.

The guide lists a multitude of earth-friendly qualities allowing students to easily compare schools side by side. Each of the 311 colleges and universities are profiled individually by their green efforts and by common campus statistics. Categories include green building practices, percentage of local or organic food offered, low-emission transportation options, green cleaning methods, organic landscaping, waste diversion rates and several other factors.
Students with the earth in mind look for degrees related to environmental science, reduced cost bus passes, ride share programs, organic food in campus cafeterias, campus recycling programs and student organizations related to the environment. Students are demanding earth conscience practices and colleges are supplying sustainability.
While many schools are choosing to up their green efforts for money saving or environmental reasons, more schools are cluing in because students are making it important. Incoming freshmen are asking questions and schools are responding. Currently 69% of students choosing colleges are including eco-friendly campus issues in their desired school qualities. As reported by USA Today this is a 5% increase from the 64% percent of students concerned with environmental issues in 2008.
Check out The Priceton Review’s Green Guide