
Students Lend Support to Haiti Earthquake

People all across the globe are reaching out to the millions of Haitians who were struck by the most devastating earthquake to hit the small island in more than 200 years.
And as word of the disaster spread rapidly around the country, students from college campuses quickly organized and lent their support to the victims in a show of force and solidarity in a manner that is solely unique to the unbridled passion and altruism of college students.
Here are just a few examples of the outpouring support that students are coordinating from campuses across the country.

  • North Carolina A&T University students with its strong Haitian roots immediately joined forces with the organization, Project Haiti to set up a donation center where students can donate clothing, bottled water and canned goods in addition to learning about the issues that face Haiti. A candelight vigil for the victims of the earthquake is scheduled for next Wednesday, January 20.
  • The University of Pennsylvania is in the process of setting up collection boxes throughout the campus where students can donate necessities, which will then be shipped to Haiti. In addition, the Dessalines Haitian Student Association and Makuu, Penn’s Black Cultural Center will host a performing arts fundraiser in which proceeds will go to the earthquake victims.
  • The University of Florida with its obvious strong connections to Haiti is organizing a relief mission to the Haitian community of Christianville and its schools and clinic. The action is being coordinated by faculty and staff at the University’s College of Public Health and Health Professions, the College of Medicine and the Institute of Food and Agricultural Studies. In addition, campus wellness and counseling centers are available for students who need emotional support or counseling.
  • At Harvard University, the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, a University group of disaster-relief specialists, is working with nongovernmental organizations to assess immediate medical needs and other required assistance. In addition, Harvard Medical School is sending over a team of doctors along with the organization, Partners In Health, to lend their assistance with the relief efforts.

To lend your support, check with your college’s president’s office to learn what student campus organizations are doing to offer help and assistance to the victims of the earthquake.
Also, the following organizations are accepting donations for the relief efforts:

  • The American Red Cross
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • World Vision
  • Operation USA
  • CARE

The entire staff of’s thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by this tragedy.
Please let us know what your school is doing to assist the Haiti relief efforts by posting your comments below.