
Students Share Their Lives on

Every college student knows that texting is a huge part of the campus life. It’s how you can talk to your friends during class without getting in trouble, how you can ask that cute girl out for coffee without actually having to call her and risk rejection, and how you can tell your mom that you’ll call her back later. Now, it’s how you can share your everyday life with others on a new website, Text Wilder.
Text Wilder is a fun way to see what students on college campuses across the country are doing and thinking in their everyday lives. The website was founded less than a month ago, but already it is catching on.

The concept is simple: you register your phone number on the website, then text Text Wilder what you are doing or thinking or anything else you want to share, and your text will pop up on the site within 15 minutes.
So what’s with the name?
“We actually called it Text Wilder because of [the movie] Van Wilder to convey the feel of college fun life,” said Glenn Jordan, a managing partner of the website.
Jordan said that Text Wilder is a way for students to share all of the fun stuff that happens on their campus. He also said that is different from other similar websites, such as Texts From Last Night and FML, because it does not feature vulgar posts or posts that are obviously untrue. People can submit whatever they want to, but if the comments cross the line into indecency or untruthfulness, they will be removed from the website.
Text Wilder is still in its infant stages, but it is growing quickly and is sure to be a hit on college campuses in every state. Check it out today to see what all the excitement is about.
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Making Text-Only Friends
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