
Students Still Prefer Print Textbooks

A recent study conducted by OnCampus Research, a division of the National Association of College Stores, found that 74 percent of college students still prefer printed textbooks over their digital counterparts, even as media attention focuses on the e-reader market. In fact, only about eight percent of students own an e-reader, and more than half don’t intend to buy one.
The survey found that only 13 percent of the students questioned had purchased an e-textbook within the past three months, essentially accounting for the fall semester of 2010. Of those who did buy a e-text, the vast majority used them on laptops: 77 percent. About 30 percent of students read their e-books on a desktop computer, and only 19 percent use a Kindle or Nook. Tablet computers, like the iPad, are the least commonly used, at about four percent.
“It seems that the death of the printed book, at least on campus, has been greatly exaggerated,” said research manager Elizabeth Riddle. “E-readers have a way to go before they catch on with this demographic. The college-aged market is definitely a growth opportunity for companies providing digital educational products.”
Tell us what you think! Do you prefer a printed or digital textbook?
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