
Students with Landline Phones are Politically Conservative

How many people in your college classes have a landline? Unless they’re living at home with their grandparents, it’s likely to be slim to none. In fact, only one percent of Amherst College’s incoming class have a landline.

Given that this is an election year, phone lines having burning up with political pollers. These political polls are traditionally done via landline and a correlation between those who are conservative/Republican were most likely to have those landlines. Some are even suggesting that this means these polls are over-reporting Republican data and under-reporting Democratic data.
So the Pew Researchers (they call themselves a “nonpartisan fact tank”) became interested. They conducted three polls this year with young people, they defined as under 30,- 20-25 percent of those polled were contacted via mobile phone and their responses were put against the 75 percent reached on landlines.
What they found could have a serious effect on the future of polling via landlines:

Young people who use landlines are more likely to be Republican than young people who use mobile phones.
Do you think future pollsters will take this data into consideration? And do you think the polls currently in the media have been influenced by this?