
Summer Learning Loss Avoided With Summer Assignments

Ask any school-aged child what they most look forward to, and they will probably say summer vacation. Although kids anxiously await the long break from school, one thing that may be overlooked by both students and parents is summer learning loss. Summer learning loss takes place when students lose knowledge and academic skills over the course of summer vacation. Summer learning loss has lately become a hot topic that has drawn the attention of several media outlets and that of first lady Michelle Obama.
The severity of summer learning loss seems to be higher with children from lower income families. Some students lose as much as 2.6 months of math skills and about two months of reading skills. Both teachers and students are affected by summer learning loss, as teachers must spend time at the beginning of the school year reviewing what’s been lost from the previous year. At times, his review can take up to six weeks, which is time lost from learning new skills.
Summer learning loss is a very serious matter. Especially when you consider that this could happen every summer that a child is out of school. A lot of their educational time would be spent reviewing things they have already learned. Although this is a major problem, there are some simple ways to prevent summer learning loss from occurring.

  • Talk with your child’s current teacher before school lets out and their teacher for the upcoming fall. The teachers can shed some light on a summer reading list and math work that can be covered on break.
  • Shop local bookstores, who will have reading and math materials for the public schools in your area.
  • Local librarians can recommend books for each grade level.
  • Incorporate reading and math in to their summer activities. Let them help with recipes, spell words on signs while road tripping, visit museums, or host a weekly family game night with Scrabble, Upwords or similar board games.

Making summer assignments fun and creative is the key to keeping your children interested. Almost all children are affected by summer learning loss if left to just play video games and watch TV while they’re out of school. Students don’t have to be doing hours of work each day, but just adding some reading and a few math problems each day can really go a long way towards your child being ready for school in the fall.
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