
Ten Signs that Spring Has Arrived on College Campuses

For a good portion of the country, the past two weeks have marked the first few real signs of spring. And nowhere is this felt with more excitement and delight than on college campuses.
Throughout the winter, students all around the country must sludge through snow, sleet and frosty winds to get to class. As if backpacks aren’t heavy enough, college students are also weighed down by bulky winter coats, clumsy mittens that make holding a cup of coffee a feat of balance and clunky boots that break most fashion rules.
But alas, spring is here. Birds are chirping. The snow has melted and most importantly, students have a spring in their step.
Here are ten signs that mark the dawn of spring on college campuses:
1. Students wearing shorts even though it is still 35 degrees outside. But the sun is finally out and that makes shorts, tank tops and t-shirts fair game, irrespective of what the thermometer says.
2. Smoothies, ice cream and frozen coffee drinks replace hot cappuccinos, cocoa and lattes.
3. Student travel agencies are suddenly jam-packed with kids and their credit cards ready to book a flight for a summer internship or a study abroad program.
4. Much longer lines at hot-spots that have patio-seating or outdoor bar areas.
5. Fraternity boys running around with their dogs outside, leash or no leash – the ultimate babe magnet.
6. A super cool professor who holds class outside.
7. Students napping or sleeping off a hangover on the grass.
8. Empty tables and chairs inside libraries, cafes and other indoor study areas.
9. Bands of students jogging around campus instead of lining up for Dollar-Night at the campus burrito joint.
10. Classmates and friends that suddenly look much more attractive.
Happy Spring!