
Texas A&M Has Biggest Social Network

Fan Page List, a site that ranks the size of entities’ social networks, now publishes a list of the universities and colleges with the largest social networks. While one might assume that the colleges with the largest enrollment would have the biggest social networks, as represented by Facebook fans and Twitter followers, this in fact is not the case. Texas A&M leads the list, although it is the seventh largest public university, according to enrollment data from 2009. Ivy league schools also do extremely well on the list, despite their comparatively modest enrollments. It seems that school spirit and prestige, and no doubt a tech-savvy student and alum body, have a lot to do with building a major social media presence.
Here’s the top ten Colleges on Facebook and Twitter:
1. Texas A&M University
2. University of Michigan
3. University of Oklahoma
4. Harvard University
5. Stanford University
6. Texas Tech University
7. University of Wisconsin, Madison

8. Arizona State University

9. University of California, Berkeley

10. Syracuse University

Source: Fan Page List, 10/14/2010
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