
Texas Has Few College Graduates

Texas is falling short in higher education. Though it’s the second largest state in the union, only 27
percent of its population has degrees.
The College Board, which conducts the SAT and AP tests, reported that Texas ranks 40th in
prevalence among adults ranging from ages 25 to 34 with college degrees.
Richard Reddick, from the University of Texas, said several of Texas’ students are first-generation or
low-income students who either can’t afford to pay for tuition or are unprepared for college courses.
Reddick’s theory seems to hold up to recent economic statistics. CNN Money reports that three of the
five poorest counties in America with a population of greater than 250,000 are located in Texas.
The College Board report, which was released in mid-July, found that the District of Columbia has the most young people with college degrees; Arkansas has the least.
Via The Huffington Post