America is a melting pot of many races and cultures, and there is no better example of that than today’s schools. Diversity means you are more likely to find a group of people who are similar to you in one way or another. Imagine going to a school where everyone wore Converse shoes, black jeans, and red t-shirts, and you were the only one who wanted to wear boots, blue jeans, and a green shirt. You would stick out like a sore-thumb.
Of course, attending a diverse school is important for more than just fashion- or even finding people who are similar to you. Attending a diverse university will broaden your knowledge and appreciation for other cultures and their influence, and will open you up to knew experiences and ways of thinking.
U.S. News and World Report recently studied which schools were the most ethnically diverse in the U.S. These are the schools “where students are most likely to encounter undergraduates from racial or ethnic groups different from their own.” Here are the top 10 most diverse schools in the United States.
Did your school make the list? Should it have? Are you surprised by the schools that did make the list? Share your thoughts below!
Via The Huffington Post.