
The 5 Most Conservative Colleges in the USA

As Election Day 2012 gets closer and closer, the Republican Party still has not settled down and chosen a candidate. It seems that the Conservative Party is having problems making a decision between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney, the two front-runners after recent primaries.
Just in case you have been hiding under a rock for the past few weeks and haven’t heard anything he has said, Santorum is the more-Conservative candidate and has been quoted as calling public universities “indoctrination mills” for liberal ideals.
So, if you agree with Santorum and would like to attend a school that is not “liberal” (let’s face it: most colleges are more liberal than conservative), here is a list of the Top 5 Conservative Schools in the USA. The schools were determined to be Conservative based on religious affiliations, policies concerning sex before marriage, political tendencies, and other similar factors.
1. Christendom College. This small school – around 400 undergraduate students – is located in Front Royal, Virginia. Despite its obvious religious affiliation, this school is also considered Conservative because Santorum serves on its advisory board. After the publishing of this article, Tom McFadden with Christendom emailed us to say, “One of the reasons we are conservative, besides having Rick Santorum on our advisory board, is that we do not take any federal funds…none. No student loans, no grants, nothing.”
2. Franciscan University. The school is a private Catholic school, and if you want to take a class called “Human Embryology,” then this is the place for you. The professor of the course, Edwin Bessler, is a zoologist: “I was inspired to create the course after attending an Operation Rescue prayer chain in Pittsburg,” he said. “The intensity of good and evil was so great that the two words ran through my head: ‘Teach them.’ That’s how the course and Franciscan’s human-life minor came into being. A fertilized egg doesn’t look like us, just as a consecrated Host doesn’t look like Jesus, yet it is.”
3. Grove City College. A somewhat larger school than the others, Grove City College has around 2,500 students currently enrolled. The school’s president, Richard Jewell, said that “the two tenets that this school [finds most important] are faith and freedom.”
4. Liberty University. Democrats who attend this school have to fly under the radar. Recently, the school banned a College Democrats group from being allowed on campus because the group’s political beliefs would contradict the school’s teachings.
5. College of the Ozarks. This private Christian school has attracted more than its fair share of famous Conservative speakers in the past few years. Since 2008, George W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin have all given speeches to students there.
Via The Huffington Post
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