
The Best 5 Summer Jobs for Students

Summer! It’s finally here! And I know you are looking forward to spending your days pool-side, seeing all those awesome summer movies and going out with your friends. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a barter economy and you need money to do all those fun things. So, how can you earn a few extra bucks without cramping your summer style? From personal experience, I would like to recommend the best 5 summer jobs for students!
1. Sonic Drive-In Carhop. Everyone loves going to a drive-in restaurant, ordering a burger, and sitting in their car while they eat it. And let me tell ya, they usually tip pretty well if you bring them their milk shake with a smile. The hours are very flexible, and you will make a ton of cash in tips. It’s usually high school and college students, so you will be working with people your own age, which always makes it fun!
2. Movie theater worker. This job is pretty simple. I had to sweep up spilled snacks and make a few drinks behind the concession stand. In exchange, I got to see sneak peek movies for free and all the popcorn I could eat…which is a LOT of popcorn.
3. Lifeguard. You have to get certified, but that is not very hard and most local YMCAs offer a lifeguard course during the spring and summer months. You’ll get to be the cool lifeguard who sits on a stand, soaking up rays and making sure cute little kids are safe. You’ll be all nice and tan, and possibly a hero. Who can say “no” to that?
4. Camp counselor. This can be a lot of fun! Maybe you know how to make all sorts of arts and crafts, or maybe you can relate really well to younger kids. I bet you spent a few weeks during the past summers at sleep-away camp and I bet you remember how much fun you had. Well, now you can have all the fun and get paid for it!
5. Retail sales person. Do you spend a lot of time at a bookstore, music store or crafts shop? Get paid for it! You’ll be inside (read AIR CONDITIONER) all day. Chances are you won’t be incredibly busy, which will give you plenty of time to catch up on some summer reading. It’s a very easy job, and if you’re lucky, you’ll be working with lots of other cool people.
So, see, you can be productive this summer and still have fun! Besides, even if you end up working a 40 hour week, there are still 128 other hours in the week to play!