
The Best Education Schools in the U.S.

Teaching is one of the most important, yet underrated, professions on the planet. Without teachers, you can’t have students, many of whom become inspired to touch the lives of other students like their teachers did for them. For those interested in becoming a teacher, it is important to have a good background degree.
The demand for teachers is high, because unlike other current job markets effected by the economy, there are always students that need to be taught. Not only are teachers needed for public schools at the elementary, middle and high school level, but at the college level, as well.
To get a teaching degree, you need to decide what level you want to teach at and if that is the level at which you want to stay. Teachers can become principals, school administrators, college instructors, professors or even college deans. No matter what area you want to go into, getting a good start is important. If you are able to attend a top institution to earn your degree in education, it can be even more helpful in your overall career. According to U.S. News, the best colleges for education are as follows:

  1. Vanderbilt University
  2. Columbia University
  3. Harvard University
  4. Stanford University
  5. University of Oregon
  6. Johns Hopkins University
  7. University of California Los Angeles
  8. Northwestern University
  9. University of Wisconsin, Madison
  10. University of California, Berkeley

Teaching takes a special kind of passion and concern that should be applauded. Choosing the right school to get your education degree will not only benefit you, but all your future students, as well.
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