
The Institute of Human Education Teaches a Higher Level of Humanity

“Imagine a generation with the passion and skills to solve the most pressing challenges of our time, successfully and joyfully. Imagine if each of us were prepared for our unique role in creating a better world from the time we were born. Imagine if making humane choices were part of every aspect of our lives.”
This is the dream of The Institute for Human Education. The IHE is a remarkable school that encourages everyone to live in a humane manner, with respect for each other, the world, and all of the animals that share our planet, similar to The Humane Society University.
The Institute for Humane Education was founded in 1996 and is a non-profit group. IHE has affiliated with schools such as Cambridge College to establish degree programs in Humane Education. Humane Education can specialize in any of the following:

  • Educational Issues
  • Environmental Issues
  • Animal Protection Issues
  • Culture Change Issues
  • Human Rights Issues

Students who study one of IHE’s many program options will become educators who are effective in inspiring students to be ethical, compassionate citizens of the world. In the past few years, IHE has reached tens of thousands across the world and has enabled each student to become a more humane world citizen.