
The Princeton Review Names University of Georgia Top Party School

To be named on one of The Princeton Review lists is usually a boon to colleges and universities, but this one may not be. The 2011 list of biggest party schools is out, and a spot of the list is decidedly a mixed blessing in the eyes of administrators. Although students may be attracted to the social life promised by a big party school, the reputation may have negative connotations for a university’s prestige as an institution of higher learning. The University of Georgia heads the list, followed by Ohio University, which also ranked on the “Lots of Beer” and “Lots of Hard Liquor” lists.
The schools are ranked based on surveys of the popularity of the Greek system, the use of drugs and alcohol and the number of hours students spend studying.
Here’s the top ten list:
1. University of Georgia
2. Ohio University

3. Penn State
4. West Virginia University
5.University of Mississippi
6. University of Texas at Austin
7. University of Florida
8. U.C. Santa Barbara
9. University of Iowa
10. DePauw University
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