
Top 10 Colleges with the Best Health Care Services

Nobody likes to get sick during the school year. I mean, you do get a few days off from classes, but after you recover, you have a mountain of homework and readings to catch up on, you have to find those in-class lecture notes from a fellow classmate, and you probably don’t feel completely up to par for a few days after you return to classes.
So, whenever I get sick during the school year, I rush myself to my school’s health services center to try to get myself some medication ASAP. Although the health center on campus is decent, it’s never been something to write home to my parents about. I guess I should have paid attention to the Princeton Review’s list of the Top 10 Colleges with the Best Health Care Services.
Other students have bigger issues, however. Chronic diseases, mental health concerns and sexual education and services are all things your college’s health center should be able to help you with, but not all schools are created equal. Choosing a school that is best suited to help your personal health needs is imperative for every student to consider.
Without any further adu, here are the top 10 schools you should go to if you are notorious for getting sick – or if your parents just want to have fantastic health care services available on your school’s campus.

2. Whitman College
3. West Point
4. University of Texas at Austin
5. Pennsylvania State University
6. Georgia Institute of Technology
7. University of Pittsburgh
8. Susquehanna University
9. University of Georgia
10. University of Florida
Is your school one of the healthiest? Tell us what a trip to the student health center is like on your campus in the comments section below!
Via The Huffington Post