
The Top 10 Liberal Arts Colleges in the USA

U.S. News recently released their lists of the top colleges in the USA. One of the lists that they released focused solely on Liberal Arts Colleges.
So how did U.S. News determine what makes an excellent liberal arts school? The scores are based partially on the quality of the education that students receive at the institutions and the financial burden families must take on in order to offer this education to their students. All schools that are regionally accredited and for-profit institutions are considered for this honor if they have respond to the statistical survey that U.S. News sends out each year. The students’ level of satisfaction is also taken into consideration, since U.S. News know that no raw set of data can truly evaluate a school’s value.
Now, without further adu, I present the top 10 Liberal Arts Colleges in the USA:

  1. Williams College. Tuition and fees: $43,190. Enrollment: 2,029
  2. Amherst College. Tuition and fees: $42,898. Enrollment: 1,795
  3. Swarthmore College. Tuition and fees: $41,150. Enrollment: 1,524
  4. Pomona College. Tuition and fees: $39,883. Enrollment: 1,560
  5. Middlebury College. Tuition and fees: $53,800. Enrollment: 2,532
  6. Bowdoin College. Tuition and fees: $42,816. Enrollment: 1,762
  7. Carleton College. Tuition and fees: $42,942. Enrollment: 2,020
  8. Wellesley College. Tuition and fees: $40,660. Enrollment: 2,411
  9. Claremont McKenna College. Tuition and fees: $42,240. Enrollment: 1,261
  10. Haverford College. Tuition and fees: $42,208. Enrollment: 1,177

Via U.S. News
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Top 10 Colleges and Universities from U.S. News for 2012