
The Top Green Colleges and Universities in America

The Princeton Review has completed its annual 2009 college rankings list–and this year, they’re ranking the top green schools in America. While many schools have made strong efforts in recent years to recycle, reuse, and become more sustainable, these are schools who have made sustainability a major mission of everyday life at the school. Here’s their Green Rating Honor Roll (in alphabetical order):

  1. Arizona State University
  2. Bates College
  3. College of the Atlantic
  4. Emory University
  5. Georgia Institute of Technology
  6. Harvard College
  7. SUNY Binghamton
  8. University of New Hampshire
  9. University of Oregon
  10. University of Washington
  11. Yale University

One particularly noteworthy college on this list: the funky College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine. This truly amazing school only has about 300 students, and all of them study human ecology. The school is a child of the environmental movement, and students not only study about sustainable lifestyles–they live one. This net-zero carbon emissions campus even grows much of its own organic food for the cafeteria, and assists other campuses at becoming more green. If you’re really interested in environmental issues (and don’t mind going to school on a stunningly beautiful, but isolated island), this might be the place for you!
One impressively green college that The Princeton Review overlooked: Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. Among other things, this progressive campus receives a good deal of its energy from wind power.
Hooray for The Princeton Review for creating this progressive ranking!