
The Worst Profile Pics for Your Facebook Page

The art of finding the perfect profile pic for your Facebook page can be a challenging one. You want to pick a photo that is flattering and original, while still portraying the “true” you. All too often, the picture people choose can rub people the wrong way, or even more seriously, turn off future employers who search such things to get a feel for who you really are.
To avoid common profile pic disasters, forgo these unusual styles of photographs:
The mirror photo: These pics never come out clear. The reflection of your camera or cellphone often covers up your face or upper body, which can be distracting to people who want to see what you really look like. Plus, this type of pic gives the impression that you are lonely and don’t have friends to take photos of you, or you are self absorbed and spend most of your time in front of said mirror.

The group photo: Future friends that are trying to locate you on Facebook will have a hard time picking you out of a posed picture of you and 20 other people. Plus, your Facebook profile is about you, and people want to see just that. An image of you and a couple of friends is fine, but a picture of you and your graduating class is not.
The party pic: Relatives and potential employers don’t need to know that you got wasted last night. Toss out those photos of you clenching a beer can, margarita glass or that sneaky red cup. Your profile photo says a lot about you, and that let’s-get-drunk-every-weekend image isn’t the best choice.
The avatar photo: They’re a little on the immature side, and they convey the message that your not proud of your self image. Cartoon characters are cute and all, but no one can take you seriously if you can’t even find a decent portrait of yourself to post online.
The “emo” photo: You know the one: pouty lips, hair in the eyes, weird camera angle. These photos are for high schoolers suffering from identity issues, not go-getting college students. A photo of you with a gleaming smile and hair tucked back will do.
What Facebook profile pics drive you nuts? Share below!
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