
There is More to Life than College Football

I know the title is a little disheartening for college football fanatics across the country, but it is accurate. I promise.
As the school year comes to an end, summer practices draw nearer and nearer. Soon, the sounds of whistles blowing and pads crashing will bellow through college campuses nationwide. When these practices commence, it will mark the beginning of the greatest season of the year, the college football season.
OK, I know that last statement was a little hypocritical, but come on… its football season we’re talking about. Watching your team on a warm Saturday afternoon is one of the greatest gifts you can receive during the fall semester, or is it?
I know this sounds a little blasphemous coming from a student at a football school, but there really is more to my college experience than football. I decided several years ago that my agenda during the fall semester would not be dictated by my football team’s schedule. I have taken weekend classes during both home and away games, choosing to better my education in exchange for a game or two missed. In retrospect, not allowing a sport to control my life has made me a stronger person.
Skipping a couple games here and there has afforded me the drive and determination to prosper in school with a minimum of repercussions. So I missed a game or two, who really cares? It doesn’t matter if I was there to see Oklahoma beat Nebraska or Texas Christian dominate Texas A&M. That isn’t what matters to me, my education does. When it comes down to it, I came to college to become a professional, not a sports fan. When undergrads learn there is more to life than college football, they will be set up for success in areas other than just their fall semester grades.