
There's an App for Every College Situation

Laptop? Check. Textbooks? Check. Phone apps? You’ll want to make sure you have these must-have college apps if you want to survive. It seems iPhone was right: There really is an app for that!
For Friday nights: The Drinks and Cocktails app has tons of drink recipes. It’s perfect if you want to save some money and make your own happy hour.
For history class: Can’t keep your presidents straight? USA Presidents provides a picture and a short bio of our past commanders in chief.
For math class: Don’t sweat the college algebra test. With Mathemagics Lite you can figure out complicated multiplication problems and much more.
For note taking: Say goodbye to that annoying spiral notebook. Evernote lets you make text and audio notes. You can even take a snapshot of professor’s slide show.
For when you’re over the dorms: The Apartments app will help you find apartments close to campus.
For purchasing textbooks: Find awesome deals on textbooks with Book Bargain. The app locates the best deals possible by searching Amazon and other online stores.
For driving home: Drive Safely reads you your texts and emails while you’re driving, so you can keep both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. (Available soon for iPhone)
For your MBA: The GMAT Practice Quiz app will prepare you for the business school standardized test.
For current events: Want to have an intelligent conversation with your professor? Use the NYTimes app to stay updated on the latest news.
For when you’re sick of eating Ramen Noodles: If it’s time for a pizza night, check out the Pizza! app, which lets you find the best deals in town.
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