
This school has an alternative to traditional detention. The results are astounding.

This school has an alternative to traditional detention. The results are astounding.

Traditionally, school detention or even suspension is the most common form of discipline when a kid is acting up or has bad behavior.
Does detention really work? Does staring at walls or reading boring books really make you think about your actions that put you in detention in the first place?
There’s a school called Robert Coleman Elementary that does things a little different. Instead of sending kids to detention, they send them to meditate.

It’s called the Mindful Moment Room. Kids who are usually sent to detention for disruptive behavior are instead sent to a room with lamps, decorations and plush purple pillows. The kids are instructed to go through breathing exercises and meditation, which help them calm down.
Science studies show that mindful meditation really works and has interesting effects on our mind & body.
The study found that meditation could improve a students attention span, allowing them to focus more on what the teacher is saying in the classroom. In turn, this allows the students to perform better on tests.

Not only meditation, but Robert Coleman Elementary also provides after-school programs where kids can practice exercises and yoga. There are also programs available to mentor and tutor the kids about the environment.
Robert Coleman Elementary has seen no suspensions in the last year and the rates dropped and attendance has increased.
Principals and board of education directors, we hope you are listening. If you have students who are repeatedly going to detention or getting suspended, why keep giving them the same punishment? Try something new and different. Try meditation.