
Time for Enrollment!

I’m one of those weird kids that enjoys getting their enrollment packet in the mail. Getting the packet this year not only made me excited for the school year to begin, but also made me realize just how exciting this year is going to be as a senior! As soon as I had the packet ripped open, I helped mom fill everything out and sent it on its way in the mail, since our district has a pay-by-mail enrollment option.
Well, I came back from a week in Colorado, where I had forgotten completely about my enrollment packet and when mom brought up going to finish enrollment, I got extremely excited! My senior year, how exciting!?
I enrolled on my own this year. Normally my mom comes along, making sure we get everything we need in the packets while at the school. This year I met a friend to enroll with, rather than going with my mom. I remember, especially 9th grade, enrolling in past years and being terrified of making myself look like a fool in front of the older kids. This year though was an entirely different story. I was one of the older kids, not one of the awkward underclassmen that thought about every step they made in fear of falling on their face in front of everyone else.
I walked in with my friend, knowing I was a senior, and went through the few steps left (such as getting your parking decal and ID photo taken and activated) with no problems, feeling like I was gliding past everyone else in a way that they could tell I was a senior, that I am one of the students that run things this next year! I could barely contain myself as I walked through a sea of familiar and unfamiliar faces.
As my senior year creeps closer and closer, the more excited I become. Even though it will be a difficult year, everyone has always told me your senior year is by far the greatest of your high school years. I can’t wait to experience it!