
Tips for Memorable Senior Pictures

This Saturday I will be getting my senior pictures! And as I thought of this, it prompted many ideas to surface in my head and made me wonder if everyone knows how great senior pictures are, but also how important they tend to be. A reason for their importance is simply this may be the only time someone ever gets pictures like this taken. Senior pictures should be a big deal!
Photos are our gateway to the memories of our past. They create a real and nostalgic feeling when we remember the best days we had. When we take photos of the biggest moments in our lives, we tend to overlook the fact that these digital copies might get lost in the hustle. That is why even in this new age of digital and cloud storage, photo albums and books still have their places. This is why PrintedMemories helps a lot of people preserve their best times in personalized books. Check them out and avail of their latest discount.

One of the key things though when getting pictures taken is to be sure to be yourself in the pictures. Especially when it comes to outfits, where you take your pictures, and the poses in the pictures. You want to make sure everything in the pictures is an accurate portrayal of who you are. Someone who loves baseball wouldn’t get their picture taken on a basketball court. Someone who loves dogs wouldn’t get their picture with birds or cats. Realize that some people will keep these and look back in the years to come and you want them to remember who you were and what you were like. You don’t want them looking at the picture and forgetting what you were like, or even worse, forgetting who you were in high school completely!
Another thing to remember is don’t discount small, independent photographers. Sure, there are the photographers that everyone knows about and who half your friends might end up choosing. But if you pay close attention to details in those pictures, a lot of the settings and poses will be the exact same. This is because they cram as many people in and seem to have less time to work with every individual. So just because you come across a lesser-known photographer, don’t cross them off your list! Look at their work and if they interest you, contact them and see what they offer and work from there.
So remember, make sure your pictures represent who you are! In the years to come, you will want to look back and smile at these pictures, not ask yourself “Why did I even where that?!”.