
Top 5 Studying Tips For the High School Student

There is only one way to feel prepared for a test. I’m sure you all know that the best way to prepare yourself for a test is to study. Of course, studying can often be a very daunting or boring task, but I have thought of 5 tips in hopes to make studying a little less daunting/boring.

1.Know what will be on the test- One of the best things for you to do is to talk to your teacher about what will be on the test. Most of my teachers take a day (normally the day before) to go over a test and everything the test will cover. If your teacher does not do this, or if you want it before the actual review you will get in class, then go in and talk to your teacher before or after class or during a convenient time for both of you to get all the materials you need.

2. Have all materials- Make sure when you finally sit down to study to have all your materials with you. Any books or notes you will need be sure to have them so you won’t have to stop in the middle of your study session to search for a book or a random page of notes you have seem to misplaced.

3.Don’t Cram- This is probably the most important tip I have. For some that have an amazing short term memory, cramming either right before the test or the night before the test works. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for us all. Starting a few days before the test and going over a little bit each night (while covering what you did the night before) will allow you to better learn the materials and with a better understanding of the materials you are more likely to do better on the test. Also, not cramming allows for the information to be stored better in the long term memory and will allow for you to later access the information rather than sticking it in your short term and forgetting it as soon as you are done with the test.

4. Go somewhere comfortable- Being comfortable is key when studying. Go somewhere that you will be comfortable but also that will place you in conditions much like the conditions you will be in on the test day. Placing yourself in such conditions (that are similar to test day) will better allow for recall of information you studied while taking the test.

5. Get a group together- If you find it difficult to study alone, or just hate studying alone, then get a group together! Studying in a group has its benefits. If there are questions you have, then there will be other students available for you to discuss and answer your questions. While the problem with groups is that being with friends can lead to distractions and even not studying. So be sure you choose your group wisely, picking those you know will study and not cause distractions.

I hope these tips allow for more successful study time that will make you a better test taker!