
LSU Leads Top Tailgating Schools in the U.S.

Football season is finally here! At the University of Oklahoma, football is almost a religion, and part of the religion is the tailgating parties that occur before the game starts.
Tailgating usually consists of a big group of people getting together a few hours before kick off, grilling some burgers, and drinking a few beers. It is a great time to build team spirit, get excited for the upcoming game, and catch up with friends. At my school, we shut down one of the main streets in town with tailgating madness. It’s a huge blast!
Disappointingly enough, OU was not voted one of the top tailgating schools in the USA this fall. According to the Associated Press, the honor of best tailgating school belongs to Louisiana State University. The factors that pushed them over the edge include their tailgating cuisine: spicy alligator, andouille sausage, and gumbo. Man, that sure beats a Ballpark Frank, in my opinion.
Here are the other top tailgating schools:
2. University of Mississippi. There are ten acres dedicated to tailgating at Ole Miss called The Grove. Ole Miss fans pride themselves that they “may lose a game, but [they] never lose a party.” Sounds like a good time to me!
3. University of Washington. Most tailgating parties occur on dry land, but the University of Washington is different: they tailgate on boats. Tailgaters party in boats along Lake Washington, with a shuttle that takes them to the stadium before the game starts.
4. University of Tennessee. Maybe Washington isn’t so unique: “Volunteer Navy” docks on the Tennessee River, and tailgaters make good use of the floating party spot.
5. Ohio State University. Tailgating at Ohio State is more like a street fair than anything else: lots of laughing, eating, and having a good old time. There is also a cool spot called Buckeye Grove, an area on campus where each Ohio State All-American has had a buckeye tree planted in his/her honor.
Does your school have a fun tailgating tradition? Share it here!
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