
Two Important College Enrollment Steps for High School Seniors

I recently made the decision to attend the University of Tulsa this coming fall for my undergraduate education. While I have finally made my decision and almost worked out all of my finances, there are other things to do now that I am officially attending TU. I recently received a checklist from them concerning things I still need to do to ensure my spot in the freshman class for the upcoming fall semester.
One of these requirements is my final transcript. At the end of the year, when grades are finalized, many if not all colleges and universities require their new students to send in their final transcript. This is mainly to make sure the student didn’t slip their final semester of high school and may also determine scholarship eligibility. Since some scholarships are merit based, schools require that you maintain your grades even through your final semester.
Another requirement is enrollment. Tulsa sent a packet in the mail recently discussing enrollment requirements for my anticipated major with the pre-med track. In order to get the classes I want, I need to plan on enrolling in the classes as soon as possible. My first semester, I will probably plan on trying to get a lot of general requirements out of the way so that I can focus on my required classes for my major(s)/minor(s) and the pre-med track. So to ensure your spot in desired classes, be sure to be in contact with schools in the close future so you can be enrolled soon.
While your decision may be made, remember this does not mean it’s the end. Be looking for a checklist or email your school with questions regarding what needs to happen now that you are planning on attending that school.