
Two Ways to Avoid the Freshman 15

Freshmen walking on to a new college campus need not fear the boogie man under their bunk beds, and midterms are any scarier than you let them be. One thing that can be a scary concern is the Freshman 15. It’s not an urban legend, it’s very real. For many adults, this is where their lifelong battles with being overweight begins- junk food, pizza, beer, soda, poor sleep and exercise habits all wreak havoc on your overall health and metabolism.

A guest blog at, from MizFitOnline, talks about the Freshman 15 and how avoiding it is as easy as a S.N.A.P. Carla Birnberg is a fitness and health enthusiast who educates with no-frill, real-life advice that people, like college freshmen, can use to live a healthier life.
Here’s a peek at her recommendation, and you can read the rest of her Preventing Freshman 15 in a S.N.A.P. post at

S – Six Small Meals a Day

N – No Mindless Eating

A – Assess Your Options

P – Plan Ahead

The site also provides a review of a smart book, The Dorm Room Diet, written by the daughter of the famous Dr. Oz, Daphne Oz. She shares tips she learned as a college freshman to overcome the constant temptation of “college food.”