
U.S. Ranks 12th in Higher Education

No longer is the U.S. the leader in higher education for young adults, according to a recent College Board report. The U.S. ranks 12th place in prevalence among adults ranging from ages 25 to 34 with college degrees.
Canada is in the lead for having 55.8 percent of the country’s population obtaining at least an associate’s degree. The U.S. lags behind at 40.4 percent. While the report focuses on younger adults, the U.S. ranks sixth when older adults are configured into the study.
The report also focuses on state ranking. The District of Columbia ranks highest, with a completion rate of 62.2 percent. Maryland ranks 12th at 38.6 percent, while Virginia ranks 17th, at 36.5 percent.
This issue was discussed at a meeting assembled by the College Board Advocacy & Policy Center (CBAPC) and attended by state and federal policymakers and educational leaders on Capitol Hill last Thursday. The commission, affiliated with CBAPC, wants the U.S. to reclaim its ranking and is pushing for a 55 percent completion rate by 2025.
The commission is on the same page as President Obama. With the American Graduation Initiative plan, Obama is pushing for the U.S. to be back on top by the year 2020.
“I don’t think what we’re saying and what the president’s saying are that different,” said Gaston Caperton, president of the College Board.
The commission is calling for both state and national leaders to be proactive in a 10-part “action agenda.” The agenda has several initiatives to keep Americans on the college path, like better college counseling to lessen drop out rates and streamlined college admissions.
“We have a real, objective way every year to look at every state and see how they’re doing,” Caperton said, “and we’re doing this with legislators all over the country.”
Via The Washington Post