
Unique Holiday Party Theme Ideas

As the holidays quickly approach, you may find yourself entering holiday party burnout. This is the time of year when people want to get together to catch up, celebrate, exchange gifts and simply have a good time. If your social circle is large, you can easily find yourself going to several parties within a short amount of time. It’s easy for those parties to blend together if there is nothing to make them stand apart.
If you are throwing a party this holiday season, one great thing you can do is incorporate a theme. This will get the guests involved and give them something to get excited about. It can also break up the monotony of the typical holiday party you’re used to attending. Below are some great ideas for themes you can incorporate into your parties. These ideas will work for office parties, social parties or gatherings to celebrate the New Year.

Movie theme: You can choose a movie that was really popular or that you know all your guests love. Ask them to dress as a character and serve foods from that movie. If that won’t work for your movie, you can choose to decorate the party with movie posters, colors and other themes from the movie. You can choose to have the movie soundtrack playing during the party while people mingle. You could also take the time to do a red carpet walk for your guests outside on the lawn or in the hallway if it’s an office party.
Costume theme: Throw a costume party for your guests. Halloween was in October, but that doesn’t mean you can’t dress up. The possibilities are endless with this one. You can choose a certain time period in history, have everyone dress as holiday characters or leave it open to any costume. This will get your guests excited to see what other costumes will be there. They will also have to put some thought into what they are going to wear. You can base your decorations and menu on the type of costumes you choose.
Book theme: This is a great one if you are a member of a book club. Choose a book that every guest is familiar with and have a party around that book. You can decorate based on descriptions in the book and serve foods mentioned in the book. This one can be a bit tricky if you don’t choose the right book. It can also be super fun if done correctly.
Sports team theme: This is great for those who might be throwing a party that includes watching a particular game like the Super Bowl or one of the college bowl games. Decorations are easy because you can use your favorite team’s colors. The menu can be totally open based on what you like and what your guests like. Go all out with the decorations and have everyone wear their favorite team gear.
Potluck theme: This party method takes a lot of pressure off the host. As the host, you can fix a main course for the meal and have your guests bring the side dishes. This eliminates having one person prepare everything and gives everyone the chance to try new recipes. This will be remembered by guests because they are involved in the cooking process. Everyone can talk over a great meal and exchange recipes as well.