
Unique Spring Break Road Trip Destinations

Spring Break is almost here! However, if you are like me, your semester has been way too busy to plan ahead and make reservations at your favorite Caribbean island for the week. Also, let’s face it, we are college students and that might be a little too steep for our budgets.
So, what are we to do for a fun Spring Break? Two words: road trip! Road trips are a great option for Spring Break because they can be done quite cheaply (four friends splitting a Motel 6 and gas money does not add up too quickly), you get to spend a lot of time with the people you are with (so make sure you like them), and you can see a lot of the country that you might not have seen before (this land is your land, so get familiar with it).
Now that you have decided to go on a road trip for Spring Break, it’s time to decide where to go. Here are the top five road trip destinations for college students:

Yellowstone National Park. If you haven’t been to Yellowstone yet, you should definitely go. You can get a hotel in either Montana or Wyoming and then drive into the park each day. The entrance fee is $25 per vehicle. While you are in the park, you will see breathtaking scenery, geysers, and if you are a lucky, maybe an elk or a bear. This is a nature buff’s ideal Spring Break destination.
Amarillo, Texas. If you follow Route 66 south, you will eventually run into Amarillo, Texas. But why should you care about going to Amarillo? There are two unique and eclectic things that all road-trippers should see in this city. The first is the Cadillac Ranch. This is a public art installation that features used and junk Cadillacs that are lined up to show the evolution of the car through the years. It is somewhat of a popular culture icon. The other reason you should head to Amarillo is The Big Texan Steak Ranch, home of the Texas King Meal. This meal consists of a 72-ounce steak, salad, bread and butter, a baked potato, ranch beans, and a shrimp cocktail. If you can finish the entire meal, you get it for free; if not, you have to pay $72. It’s a challenge for any foodie, so take your friend who can eat the most and see if he/she can meet the challenge.
Pacific Southwest Railway Museum. Located in Campo, California, this museum and tour takes you back in time. The museum features many exhibits to explain and interpret the history of America’s railroads. However, there is more than just a museum at this destination; there are also train rides and excursions. There are six different excursions throughout the year, so check their website to see which will be offered during your Spring Break. This is a must-see location for any history buff or anyone who had a toy train set as a child.
Crystal River, Florida. Crystal River is home to some of the most spectacular creatures in the world: manatees. Here, you can swim with the manatees, do some souvenir shopping in the quaint town, and sun yourself on a Florida beach. I went here last summer and it was a fantastic experience. If you are an animal lover, then you should definitely check this place out.
Hells Canyon Dam, Idaho. Hells Canyon Dam is the deepest canyon in the U.S. and is a very remote location, which means that most people never see it. Once you get to the national park, you have to hike down about two miles to see the actual canyon. If you want to explore the rest of the canyon, you can hire a boating company to give you a tour. This is another adventure for the nature-lover, but those who like being able to brag about the cool things they have done will also enjoy this road trip destination.
Have you ever gone on a fun road trip somewhere? Tell us about your experiences below!
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