
University of California Bans Tobacco Products from All Campuses

For students who attend any of the 10 different University of California schools, quitting smoking will soon become much easier. Why? Because the schools’ president, Mark Yudof, recently announced that all tobacco products will soon be banned from school campuses.
“As a national leader in healthcare and environmental practices, the University of California is ready to demonstrate leadership in reducing tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke,” Yudof wrote in a letter. “Offering a smoke-free environment will contribute positively to the health and well-being of all U.C. students, faculty, staff, and our patients and visitors.”
There are not any known specifics concerning the ban yet, except that it will apply to everyone who is on a University of California campus. In addition to banning the products, advertisements and the sale of tobacco products will also no longer be allowed.
“This is a very important milestone in California,” said Colleen Stevens. Stevens is the chief of the tobacco control branch of the California Public Health Department. “In other states, most young people start smoking in their teens, but in California, that start date is getting older. This policy will help protect the next generation from suffering the horrible impacts of tobacco.”
Currently, 19.6 percent of Americans smoke. In the state of California, only 12 percent of the residents are smokers, and on UC campuses, only 8 percent of students say they smoke on a regular basis. However, the schools plan to implement the ban on tobacco products gradually in order to avoid objections from that 8 percent. Quitting smoking can be very difficult for some people, so it makes sense that not forcing students to quit cold-turkey while they are on campus would be a good idea.
“We want to give them time,” said Trish Ratto, who works at Berkeley‘s Health Matters Wellness Program. “There’s a lot of work ahead to make it happen.”
Via The Huffington Post