
Valentine's Day is Over. What Now?

Valentine’s Day has passed once again, and whether you felt the bliss of young love or celebrated another Single’s Awareness day, you’re likely feeling a bit of a Valentine’s slump. With all the hype and expectations that come along with the holiday, it’s no wonder we all feel a bit of a letdown once it has passed.

Whether you want to keep the romance alive until next year, or are rocking the single life, we’ve got tips on how to make the most of life until next year other than bingeing on half-price chocolate.
DO: Make time to specifically spend together
Make Saturdays movie day, set aside a couple nights a month to make dinner together, or find your own activity. No matter your interests as a couple, be sure to find time to do them together.
DON’T: Exclude your friends: single or in couples
It can be easy once you’ve found happiness in a relationship to get wrapped up in your own world. However, leaving people out will hurt everyone involved in the long run. Keep up your friendships, and make sure that you still have time to spend as individuals.
DO: What is right for you
If you’re blissfully in love and everything is great, then revel in it. If, however, things aren’t going so well, don’t feel like you have to stay in a relationship that isn’t working just for the sake of being in a relationship. Love is complicated, and no one has it all figured out. Ultimately, you need to be happy.
Single and Loving It
DO: Make the most of your single status
Get out and meet people, take up a hobby you’ve always been interested in, or take yourself out to dinner. You’re single, not dead, so go out and have fun!
DON’T: Get down on the idea of love
So what if you’re unattached right now? That doesn’t mean all hope is lost, and it certainly doesn’t prevent you from experiencing other kinds of love, like friendship and family.
DO: Whatever makes you happy
If you’re loving life, keep up whatever you’re doing, if not, change it up. A lot of people will try to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing, but ultimately it comes down to what you want. If you want a relationship, then pursue one. If not, that’s great too.
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