
Viral Videos and the College Application Process

The newest trend in the college application process is submitting your application virally. No, this does not mean coughing on the college admissions committee, but rather submitting a video explaining who you are and why you want to attend the school. first brought this new trend to your attention in February, 2010. Several major universities are accepting these viral videos instead of the dreaded application essay.
Also see how you can incorporate memes into videos: Check out “Harnessing the viral power of memes. The rise of the “Super Memes” – Robert Derow
However, the trend is not catching on as quickly as some expected. At four of the schools that are offering this option – Tufts University, College of William and Mary, George Mason University, and St. Mary’s College of Maryland – only five to ten percent of students submitted a video instead or along with the standard college essay. Tufts University, for example, still requires that any applying student submit two written essays as part of the application process.
Are there any secrets to making the perfect college application video?
According to NewsWeek, it is important to demonstrate “one part creativity, a dash of ingenuity, add a bit of schmaltzy music, and why not wow them with your ability to crumple up and throw away your homework.”
Submitting a video sounds like a lot more fun, if you ask me. However, if you want to stick with the tried-and-true method of essay-writing, check out these college application essay tips to write your best essay ever.