
Vitamin Adventures of Don and Flip for iPad Offers a Lesson in Healthy Eating

Our wish has been granted! In my review of Punflay’s Kandy Fish app, I wrote that I hoped they would create a library of interactive stories. One of their newest iPad apps is another such story, called The Vitamin Adventures of Don and Flip. The interactive story is designed to teach kids about vitamins and the foods that have them.
The story follows Don and Flip as they intact with the fellow inhabitants of GoGoo Island and learn about the vitamins in different foods. Each food they encounter comes with a quick game, followed by a description of that vitamin. Kids will also learn what foods contain each vitamin and the list is unfalteringly healthy. In addition to the story book, there’s a learning page, that contains descriptions of each vitamin. Many of the storybook’s pages also feature interactive animations, in addition to the games.
The story may be a little silly, but the app is appropriate for a range of ages, from kindergarten to third grade.

Get The Vitamin Adventures of Don and Flip for iPad here.
Have you tried this app? Tell us what you think!
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