
Weird and Unique College Clubs

Finding a group that fits your interests is a very important part of being happy in college. When I first came to college, I joined some traditional clubs, such as Spanish Club, a sorority, and a professional writing club.
However, if I had been interested in a more unique hobby, such as lumber jacking, I would have been out of luck at my school. I guess I would have had to transfer to another school – like Michigan Technological University – to pursue my passion.
Many schools are now offering clubs and organizations for their students that are more diverse and unique. Check out some of the most unique college clubs- and see if anything peaks your interest:

University of Michigan: Squirrel Club The club members gather each week to practice peanut outreach to the squirrels on their campus.

Michigan State University: Herp Club These club members all have a shared love of amphibians.
Northern Michigan University: The Tree Musketeers Tarzan would be proud of these students, who practice swinging from tree to tree via branches.
Oakland University: Flow of Poi Club This club is dedicated to the aboriginal art of spinning balls on the end of a rope that originated in New Zealand.
Western Michigan University: Dignified Educated United Crust Eaters Society This is a cause that I can definitely get behind. These young heroes eat the often-times forgotten part of pizzas: the crust.

Princeton University: Princeton Mime Company With white paint, invisible walls, and all the other tools that mimes use to entertain us, these students are keeping the ancient art alive.
University of Arizona: Society for Explosives Engineers The name pretty much sums it all up. These students like to blow things up as they pursue careers in mining.
University of Chicago: The Shire of Grey Gargoyles of the Society for Creative Anachronism These students like to reenact Medieval times by wearing armor, having feasts, and listening to minstrels play their lutes.
University of Minnesota: Campus People Watchers I like to people watch as much as the next guy, so maybe I should join up with this group. They claim to be “a non-creepy organization for this who are into the social, psychological, and analytical aspects of people watching.”
University of California at Berkeley: Students Against Hippies in Trees This group came about in 2006 when students camped out in trees in order to protest a new athletic building that would have required several of them to be removed.
Does your school have any awesome clubs on campus? Tell us about them in the comment section below!
Via, and CampusLife@Suite101