
Westwood College - Data Entry Career

Data entry in a cubicle farm is exactly where you’d expect to find a talented and aspiring architect, right? Probably not. While this young woman tries to convincingly sell the rewards of entering data all day, the model of her dream home reminds her of a dream she’s kind of let get away from her.

In a new ad campaign from Westwood College, they depict the lives of people who wandered into accidental careers far from their dream, but haven’t let it get away from them completely.
Westwood College is ideal for students who desire an associate’s or bachelor’s degree without the investment in a traditional four-year university. Westwood College offers accelerated career-based degree programs in both a campus setting and via online courses.
Learn more about the campaign at Westwood Help or get more information about Westwood College.
This post is a paid advertisement by Westwood College.