
What Is Academic Probation?

No matter who you talk to, college is often looked at as a great way to better yourself. Some things that aren’t talked about as much are the negative aspects of college.
Granted, there is a rigorous process for getting into whichever college you attend: you must submit standardized tests, transcripts and, in some cases, sit for interviews. With all that work to get accepted, there are some people that don’t put as much focus or thought into staying in school. The temptation of skipping class, staying out late partying, socializing and drinking can be a lot to handle. Or sometimes there are unexpected problems that arise that make it impossible for you to keep up with your assignments. Money, family and personal issues can quickly shift your priorities.
Not going to class or turning in homework, for whatever reason, can lead to bad grades. If you keep up with that routine, you will soon find yourself on academic probation. Each student attending school is required to maintain a certain grade point average to be in good standing with the school. If you fall below that grade point average on a cumulative level, you will typically be placed on academic probation. Academic probation serves as a warning to students that if they don’t raise their grades, they could be kicked out of school.
The standards for an acceptable GPA will vary from school to school, but being placed on academic probation can affect a number of things. Those that are on a scholarship could lose it. Classes that have already been taken may need to be repeated which can be costly and time consuming. Financial aid can also be withheld from those that are on academic probation.
In most cases, students on academic probation are able to continue taking classes, since the status does serve as a warning. This can be a really important wake up call for students that want to do well in college. Colleges don’t offer refunds for classes after a certain point in the semester, so failed classes are essentially money down the drain.
Students that have learning disabilities that haven’t previously been diagnosed can usually present their case before an academic advisory board and get their academic probation overturned, but there is no sympathy for simply falling behind. For those that find themselves simply overcome with the fun of college life and have let their grades slip, take notice. Keeping your grades up can save you time, money and undue stress.