
What the New TSA Rules Mean for Flying Home for the Holidays

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The TSA has introduced tighter security controls in an effort to dangerous substances that are non-metallic. The new security procedures have sparked a raging controversy, but students need not fret about getting to their gate as they prepare to fly home for their semester breaks.
The measures use full-body scans, called advanced imaging technology machines, that use X-ray technology to produce an image of the body. If passengers decline to pass through the scan machines, they will receive a full-body pat-down. Some passengers will also receive the pat-down in addition to the scan, less than three percent according to CNN. Currently about 69 US airports are operating the new full-body scans. However, some airports that have the full-body scans are also still operating standard metal-detectors. Other security restrictions are still in place, like the restriction of liquids.
Although the new security procedures did not delay passengers over the Thanksgiving holiday, students traveling over the winter break may wish to give themselves extra time.
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