
What the Republican Presidential Hopefuls Really Think About Education

If you’re like me, then keeping up with school work, my job, and my social life keeps me pretty busy. As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes I tend to fall behind on political issues and, most recently, the Republican candidates who are hoping to run in the Presidential Election 2012. So, if you are like me, here’s a quick rundown of the political candidates and their views on education.
Michele Bachmann
Bachmann has served in Minnesota’s State Senate and the USA Congress. She is an avid supporter of the Tea Party Movement and founded the House Tea Party Caucus in July 2010. She has said that she does not believe in global warming.

  • Voted against a bill that would designate $40 billion for green measures in public schools
  • Supports teaching intelligent design in public schools
  • Opposed the College Cost Reduction and Access Act in July 2007

Mitt Romney
Romney became governor of Massachusetts in 2002 but has been an avid follower of American politics since college. He has received four honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Utah, Bentley College, Suffolk University Law School, and Hillsdale College.

  • Supports No Child Left Behind act
  • Supports abstinence only education
  • Supports English immersion for students who do not speak English as their native language

Ron Paul
Paul is the founder of Campaign for Liberty, an advocacy group, and is also credited with being the founder of the Tea Party Movement. People have described Paul as being a conservation, libertarian, and Constitutionalist. He has also introduced several bills that would apply tax credits toward education such as the Family Education Freedom Act and donations for scholarships through the Education Improvement Tax Cut Act.

  • Does not support the current use of separation of church and state in the court system
  • Supports home schooling as an alternative to public schooling
  • Encourages using scientific facts that support creationism in public schools
  • Recently voted no on a $40 billion dollar plan to support green public schools

Newt Gingrich
Gingrich has served in both the Congress and the House of Representatives. In 2010, he wrote a book that was against President Obama’s current policies; the book is called To Save America: Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine.

  • Values the importance of mathematics and sciences education in public schools
  • Thinks education is one of the most important factors in our nation’s futures, according to an interview he gave on Meet the Press
  • Wants to offer more learning options such as community college-run charter schools
  • Supports prayer in public schools

Herman Cain
Cain is the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, a radio host, and has served as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. In 2004, Cain ran for a seat in the U.S. Senate but lost to Isakson. He became a YouTube sensation last year when he addressed a Tea Party rally.

  • Claimed that No Child Left Behind had unfunded mandates
  • Wants to expand charter schools and school vouchers
  • Believes that school vouchers in public schools in Washington, D.C. will create a better future for the kids
  • Wants performance-related pay for teachers
  • Advocates state control of education and the weakening of the Department of Education

Tim Pawlenty
Pawlenty was the Governor of Minnesota until January 2011 and served in the state’s House of Representatives from 1993 to 2003. He calls himself a social conservative who wants to eliminate social security and Medicare in order to balance the budget. He also wants to make abortions illegal except for extreme circumstances. He also opposes same-sex marriage and is in favor of reinstating “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.”

  • Thinks each school district should be able to decide whether to teach intelligent design or not
  • Favors a longer school year for high school students
  • Proposed a program in 2006 that would pay for the first two years of college tuition for students who were in the top 25 percent of high school graduates

Jon Huntsman
Huntsman was the Governor of Utah from 2005 to 2009 and served as the United States Ambassador to Singapore from 1992 to 1993 and to China from 2009 to 2011. He is considered to be a center-right conservative. He is a pro-life supporter and does not support same-sex marriage.

  • Supports school vouchers
  • Thinks early learning is important for a child’s long-term success
  • Recognizes importance of language and math education

Rick Perry
Perry is the Governor of Texas and was a member of the House fo Representatives from 1985 to 1991. He is an Eagle Scout. He has recently been noted for his criticism of President Obama’s handling of the economic recession.

  • Does not support evolution as a plausible explanation
  • Supports vouchers
  • Supports prayer in public schools
  • Signed into law the College Credit for Heroes program, which allows veterans to earn college credit for military training

Rick Santorum
Santorum is a lawyer and former member of the U.S. Senate and U.S House of Representatives. He is considered to be conservative, both fiscally and socially. He is known for supporting partial privatization of Social Security and opposing abortion and homosexuality.

  • Voted against shifting $11 billion dollars from corporate tax loopholes to education
  • Supports school vouchers in Washington, D.C.
  • Supports the teaching of intelligent design in public schools

Sarah Palin
Palin first entered the public spotlight when John McCain named her as his running mate in the 2008 Presidential Race. Since then, she has been seen as a conservative radical by some and a beacon of hope by others. She has been involved with the Tea Party movement and the Pink Elephant Movement. She has also written two books, Going Rogue and America by Heart.

  • Supports abstinence sexual education plus contraception
  • Supports teaching intelligent design and evolution in public schools
  • Wants more flexibility in the No Child Left Behind act.

Does it all make a little more sense now? Do you plan on supporting any of these candidates in the 2012 Presidential Election? Share your thoughts below in the comments section.