
Yale Dean Leaves to Head Mysterious 'Apple University'

Apple, Inc. has created quite a stir at Yale University. They’ve managed to snatch away the dean of the prestigious business school, Joel Podolny, to become an executive at a new mysterious endeavor called Apple University. Podolny will become the first vice president and dean of this new institution.
So what is Apple University? Here’s the thing: nobody knows. Apple won’t give anyone the specifics — which is either a great ploy to get lots of buzz, or just plain creepy, depending on how you look at it. In fact, the resignation of Podolny is one of the first bits of public information that’s available about this new school. There’s speculation that perhaps this Apple U is something like Hamburger University, which is the name of the training program McDonald’s uses to train their employees, or Disney’s Pixar University. These institutions are called corporate universities. On the other hand, perhaps the school is related to product development and technology.
One thing is for sure: if you thought your college campus had too many students listening to iPods and ignoring their fellow students, wait until you see Apple U!
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