
Young Celebrities Who Are Choosing Not to Go to College

Young celebrities face a difficult decision: is it better to pursue their careers while they’re hot or an education to ensure a future? It’s a very hard choice; the newest starlet can never know how long she will remain popular, so she has to choose between the volatile celebrity lifestyle or the more reliable college education.
Honestly, I am not sure which I would choose if I was a young star in Hollywood today. Both options are appealing for their own reasons. I mean, who wouldn’t love to get dressed up to attend movie premiers in designer clothes on a regular basis? But then again, having a college education can take you a long ways in this world.
EDUinReview has told you of many celebrities who have earned their college degree. However, many others choose not to attend college. According to the Huffington Post, here are 10 celebrities who are choosing the red carpet in favor of the school library.

  1. Miley Cyrus.Miley is choosing to focus on her career for now and think about college later. “I am a firm believer that you can go back [to college] at any age you want, because my grandma went back to college at 62 years old,” Cyrus said.
  2. Daniel Radcliffe. The star of Harry Potter does not plan to pursue a higher education at an university. However, he does want to continue learning through tutorials in various subjects.
  3. Blake Lively. Like many celebrities, Lively is one busy girl. Between shooting Gossip Girl and staring in movies, Lively just does not have time for college right now. However, she has wanted to attend Stanford for years, so maybe she will someday.
  4. Shia LaBeouf. LaBeouf was going to further his education until Steven Spielberg asked him to star in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Now, he regrets his decision. “I feel like [people who are going to college] are superior because unlike me, they are excelling in their education and bettering themselves,” LaBeouf said.
  5. Kristen Stewart. Stewart hated high school and has no plans of attending college. However, she does want to pursue some sort of academic study in the future.
  6. Michael Cera. This funny man has said that he does not plan on attending college and wants to keep working as an actor.
  7. Taylor Swift. Swift has not chosen to go to college yet, but the idea is still appealing to her. “I chose one road and didn’t choose the other, but I can still see what that one looks like,” she told Parade.
  8. Taylor Lautner. Lautner had plans to further his education, but the Twilight phenomenon has put those plans on hold for the time being. However, Lautner does hope to return to school someday in the future.
  9. Lea Michele. This Glee star was accepted to NYU. However, she decided to put off college for a few years in order to pursue her acting career because although she “think[s] that college is so important, it will always be there.”
  10. Zac Efron. This teenage heartthrob used to dream of attending USC and becoming a doctor. However, when High School Music took off, he deferred his education in favor of his career. Now, like Lively, he wants to continue his education at some point but is just too busy to do it right now.

What’s your opinion? Should a young celebrity pursue his/her career or his/her education? What would you do? Share your thoughts with us below!