
You're Behind in Your Work. Now What?

It’s October, the fall semester is well underway and the assignments are starting to pile up. This is the time when some students start to get behind in their work. The good news is, there’s also time to catch up.

David Leibow, psychiatrist and author of What to Do When College is Not the Best Time of Your Life shares his tips for getting back on the ball. He proposes the theory of FLAM, or the First Law of Academic Motion, a twist on Newton’s laws of motion. The idea is this: once you get going, you’ll be more likely to finish. But the longer you procrastinate, the worse the situation will become. Here are some more of his suggestions:
Stop Making Excuses
Don’t tell yourself, “I’m too tired now” or “I work better under pressure.” Say, “I have to do that now,” and then really do it.

Make a Routine
Don’t wait until you feel like it, or until the last minute. Find specific times to dedicate to homework every day. Block them out in your schedule and treat them like a class–a class that you would never dare skip.
Stay in Motion
If you need a break, try working on a different assignment instead of stopping altogether.

Don’t Stop at the End
It will be easier to finish something later if you’ve already made a start. If you finish a chapter, read a few pages of the next before stopping. If you finish your work for one class, get out your work for another.
Start Now
Don’t do anything else. Don’t check Facebook or your email. Just start.
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