Logo is the Ultimate Job Search Website for Recent College Graduates

As a recent college graduate, I can tell you that the whole finding-a-job process is difficult, exhausting, and discouraging. You can cruise websites like, read your local classified ads, and network to your heart’s content, but you still might not find the right job, even though you have spent hours searching. Luckily, a new website takes a lot of the legwork out of this process for you. Let me introduce you to is a free website that lists more than 500,000 jobs from more than 20,000 websites and job boards. has full time, part time, internships, and temporary positions available while also offering resources that you might need in order to make yourself a better candidate for jobs, such as information about pursuing a higher education.
Employers also use this website to list jobs that they currently have available. Employers either list directly on or the website searches it’s network of websites to find listings that are applicable and relevant for job-searchers.

After going through the short registration process, you can create a profile page that will tell potential employers more about you. You can include information about your previous work experiences, education, career goals, interests, and what type of job you are searching for. This information serves as a substitute resume that potential employers can review before contacting you about a job.
I searched for advertising jobs within a 50-mile radius of my hometown and found more than 75 results. I have seen some of the jobs that came up on other job-search websites, but there were several that I had never even thought of nor seen on another website. This proves that really does have a more vast and all-inclusive network of listings, offering you the best return on your time investment (to borrow a marketing term).
To find the job of your dreams (or just something to pay the bills), check out today!